Energy, or lack of it, is the number one health issue that my clients suffer from.
And it's really no surprise when you look at everything we supermums need to get done every day! It's freaking exhausting!
And how hard is it to then get motivated to workout, prepare a healthy meal, play outside with our kids or even go for a walk when we feel tired and lethargic. We KNOW these things are good for us, but it's just so damn hard to put into practice when we're tired..... I hear you sister!
If you need help in the energy department, and really who doesn't, there's is an ENERGY Vitamin!
Vitamin B! Which is actually a group of eight Vitamins:
vitamin B1 - also called thiamine
vitamin B2 - also called riboflavin
vitamin B3 - also called niacin
vitamin B5 - also called pantothenic acid
vitamin B6
vitamin B7 - also called biotin
vitamin B9 - also called folate or folic acid
vitamin B12
They all have unique functions, but overall, the B Vitamin group help the body produce energy and make molecules in our cells.
B vitamins are needed for cellular metabolism and energy production, the repair of DNA and RNA throughout our lives, and for utilization of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which fuel our bodily processes.
Deficiency in B vitamins can result in thyroid and adrenal complications — and thus create many negative symptoms, such as fatigue, weight gain or loss, trouble sleeping,irritability, and more. Additionally, low levels of vitamin B12, B2 and iron can all contribute to anaemia and fatigue.
Other benefits include:
Improving Skin Health, Muscle Tone and Hair Growth
B vitamins can boost skin health by reducing redness, dryness, inflammation, dermatitis, eczema and acne blemishes. They also help repair wounds and support your immune system, making it easier to fight off skin infections. Consuming adequate B vitamins may help reduce hair breakage and hair loss and can help nails become stronger. Being deficient in vitamin B12 may accelerate signs of aging and potentially contribute to greying hair.(1)
Maintaining a Healthy Brain and Nervous System
B vitamins are needed to helps to produce neurotransmitters in your brain, which carry chemical signals throughout our entire body, affecting your mood, energy, appetite and more.
B vitamins can improve your ability to cope with stress.
B7 may be able to boost a positive mindset, energy and increase concentration.
B6 vitamin benefits also include helping with proper brain development and brain function and retaining cognitive health. Consuming adequate amounts has been linked to better memory function and protection against cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s and dementiaas someone ages.
Taking vitamin B6 might also have a beneficial effect on children with learning and behavior disorders, including ADHD. (1)
Helps Form Blood Cells and Nerves
Vitamin B is also needed for neurotransmitter signaling, which helps your muscles contract and gives you energy to go about your day.(1)
So how do we increase our Vitamin B? By including the following foods in our diets:
Organ meats, like liver or kidneys
Grass-fed meat
Wild-caught fish, like salmon, mackerel, halibut, sardines, etc.
Free-range eggs
Pastured chicken and turkey
Dairy products, like yogurt, cheese and kefir
Leafy green vegetables
Nuts and seeds, like sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts and more
Every small change WILL become the big difference
in your life.
With so much love,
Katie Jane
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