Ever heard about compounding in the health realm?
It's usually a money subject, but today I’m talking about the health-related kind. And one I am an expert in.
Why am I putting on weight?
I’ve enjoyed the same diet for decades - so why has my body changed?
I hear this from many women I work with (and even from some of my friends)!
They are confused as to why their body starts looking different as they age, when they’ve been eating the same kind of food as they have since their early 20's to 40's or beyond.
They’re eating the same meals, the same portion sizes, the same number of meals per day - yet they’re putting on weight and feeling tired and bloated and blurgh.
Why is it so?
Most of the ‘foods’ found in a supermarket are highly processed - and what I refer to as ‘food-like’. Essentially our bodies (ie our gut) do not recognize it as real food. Because it’s not.
The food that our body and our gut recognize as a fuel source are plants and good quality protein. Food-like products are cereals, toasts, pastries, brans, sandwiches or rolls, and pretty much anything packaged up in a box with a barcode. NOT REAL FOOD.
A diet that consists of these highly processed foods and refined carbs and sugars doesn’t provide the right fuel for our organs, cells, and brain, and can’t support our gut bacteria with the essential nutrition to ensure they thrive and protect us.
The bottom line is, food-like products are harming your gut, and I maybe you know that already. So imagine the damage that can occur after 20 or 30 years of a highly-processed diet.
This is not your fault. All these products are very well marketed as being healthy foods.
So where does compounding come in?
By age 30, your body has been trying to work out how to use food-like products as fuel. Another decade and your body is really starting to feel the effects of all these ‘health foods’.
Now you get to your 40’s and ’50s and you’re noticing you’re carrying extra weight, you’re feeling more lethargic and your clothes don’t quite fit the same. We start thinking “oh - well I guess this is a part of getting older”. It's not old age.
This is compounding.
The compounding effects of our diet over the past 30 - 50 years.
What we eat and the way we move during our 20's, 30'
The importance of good gut health
Observe your moods and mental clarity.
How much energy and focus do you have daily? How motivated are you?
All these are affected by the health of our gut.
The sooner you improve your diet to nourish and support your gut, the better shape you’ll be in as you age.
Our health doesn’t have to decline as we age. And there are many cultures that prove we can remain in robust and optimum health well into our 70's, 80's and beyond.
So stop blaming old age and instead eat well, move a lot, RESPECT YOUR BODY.
Your gut health is the foundation, and your gut is a great instrument to tell you how healthy you are.
If you want to know the six fundamental principles of gut health that will make you strong and good-looking by 80, go to my website or message me on Instagram.
Every small change WILL become a
big difference in your life.
With so much love,
Katie Jane
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