Thousands of years ago in India, chickens were domesticated purely for cockfighting, only later were they used for meat and eggs, and in the19th century these commodities were used in bartering systems throughout the world.
We now know that chicken is one of highest providers of protein, made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of our muscles.
It's also rich in B vitamins which prevent cataracts and skin disorders, boost immunity and strength, regulate digestion, improve the nervous system, and prevent migraine, heart disorders, grey hair, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Chicken also contains Vitamins D and A which help in calcium absorption, bone strengthening and eye sight and minerals such as iron to repair haemoglobin formation, muscle activity, bone health, brain function, dental care, metabolic issues and eliminating anaemia.
So here is a recipe for Chicken and Vegetable soup which is super gut healthy.
Cockfighters Chicken & Vegetable Soup
INGREDIENTS 2 tbsp coconut oil 1 onion chopped 3 garlic cloves finely chopped 1 large carrot chopped 1 celery stalk halved length ways and cut into 1 cm thick slices 4 thyme sprigs 1 bay leaf 1.75 litres (7 cups) chicken bone broth or excellent quality stock 1 tablespoon finely grated ginger 1 zucchini, cut into 2 cm cubes 500 g pumpkin, cut into 2 cm cubes 450 g shredded poached chicken (see link) 200 g silverbeet, shredded sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 handful of flat-leaf parsley leaves, finely chopped (optional)
METHOD Melt the oil in a pot over medium heat, add onion, garlic, carrot, celery, thyme and bay leaf and cook until are soft but not browned. Pour the broth / stock into the pot and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes. Add ginger, zucchini and pumpkin to the pot and cook for another 15 minutes until the pumpkin is soft. Add the chicken and silverbeet and simmer for another few minutes until the silverbeet is cooked. Season the soup with salt and pepper and sprinkle on the parsley before serving.
#Chicken #Vegetable #Bali #Animals #Travel #BestFriends #History #Eggs #Protein #VitaminB #VitaminD #VitaminA #AminoAcid #Cataract #Skin #Immunity #Strength #Digestion #NervousSystem #Migraine #Hair #Cholesterol #Diabetes #Calcium #Bones #EyeSight #Muscle #BrainFunction #Teeth #Metabolism #Anaemia #Soup #LowCarb #Primal #Paleo